Monday, July 27, 2015

Flipping Dragoncon (39 days)

39 days left and I'm making good progress. I feel like I'm taking 15 packages or more to the post office each week and the cash grand total is slowly increasing. I would normally make a list of the solds since the last update but that list would be pretty long so I'll put it at the very end. Instead I'll get right into the awesome nerd stuff I've found over the past 2-3 weeks.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Flipping Dragoncon: The Atari House

This is a picture of my original Atari 2600 and isn't it sweet! It's got the nice orange outline and the puffy E.T. Phone Home sticker. Apparently I was one of the few kids that loved the E.T. game because now it's hated as one of the worst games of all time.

Around 3 weeks ago I was in Boulder, CO on a Saturday morning attending something called a "neighborhood garage sale" but there was nothing really neighberhoodish about it. It was around 8:00AM when their Craigslist post said they were starting but there were only 2 houses selling stuff and I can't even remember what all it was. I think I remember getting 3 hexbugs for $1 and then saying the hell with it and driving off. On the very next block was a woman and her teenaged son bringing board game looking stuff outside which is a cue for me to stop and look.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Flipping Dragoncon (60 days)

It's been a month since my last update on the Flipping Dragoncon challenge and I obviously suck at updating status. My excuse is that real life has been kicking my butt for the last month and I've simply not had the time to blog. I've still been hitting up the local garage sales though and have an occasional trip to the thrift store. This will be a massive blog post with many updates on the awesome stuff I've found and the miserable failures.

Broken Powerglove - $71 (Why would a broken power glove sell for more than a working glove?)
Ring Raiders Air Carrier - $30
Python Stun - 12.50
Motor Cycle Book - $12
Disc golf frisbees - $15
Acquire - $20.50
Radica poker - $12
Last american girl - $40
Tigger watch #2 - $65
Trapper Keeper Folders - $25
Vampire Board Game - $13